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Company news

Safety tape is put, the enemy goes kaput

Your safety and comfort are our priorities.
“Avrora always cares about its customers, and even more in difficult times. We are the first to put sunscreen creams on the shelves in the summer, w…

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We did it! Fundraising for winter uniforms for female defenders stopped

On the eve of the New Year, there was a lot of debate among Ukrainians: whether it is appropriate to celebrate at a time when our defenders are defending the Ukrainian land every minute. We decided t…

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Taking care of Ukrainians – Avrora supports all fronts

Yes, we live in difficult times, but can Ukrainians be broken? After February 24, 2022, we realised that strength is in unity, that each of us is an important brick of the road that leads to Victory!…

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Let’s be partners! We are looking for electricians and specialists in maintenance of generators

Avrora’s stores are operating in every region of Ukraine. Most our outlets are equipped with generators or UPS, which are used when there is no electricity.
Therefore, we periodically need the…

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Warm fundraising from Avrora — join and help to raise UAH 6 million to buy winter uniforms for women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

The second winter of war has already begun for Ukrainians. Each of us has changed a lot during these months of daily struggle... Remember the panic, fear and hopelessness that gripped all of us in Fe…

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