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Company news

Avrora online store launched in test mode

The Avrora big family is always doing its best for you to feel comfortable when buying your favourite stuff. It’s time when you can do it without leaving home! We have developed an online store…

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More goods, lower prices!

Avrora customers get new reasons for joy every day. We know how difficult it is to maintain balance when the price increase is frustrating. That is why we do our best to help you save money.

To do…

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Doing good deeds together with “Defence of Poltava”

Avrora has a good tradition of holding corporate auctions for the employees to buy lots of interest. The funds raised are donated to charity. Such lots as paintings, home baked treats, jewellery, cer…

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Hoop shoot challenge for Avrora basketball lovers

A hoop shoot challenge “Tochka” (Spot) was arranged was organized for those who love to shoot hoops who gather in the Avrora sports area during the break or in off-work time. The main rul…

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Gratitude to Western investors and true Ukrainians for support

To ensure that Ukrainians can buy everything they need at reduced prices even in the most difficult times, the Avrora team has to work relentlessly: to find new partners, investors, motivate them and…

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