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Company news

To make sure there is enough basic necessities for everyone, Avrora has a limit on the sale of certain items.

Some of our supplier partners are not working, working at half capacity or physically unable to deliver goods to us in the current situation.  The situation on the roads is not stable either. We…

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DobroBox is a charity selling point for Avrora employees

There is a stereotype that in order to become a charity donor, you either have to be a superhero or have a lot of money and free time. In fact, anyone can help. It is especially easy to do so, when t…

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Make a cash withdrawal at the cash register in Avrora

Avrora has always been helpful in any situation. And now we try to act everywhere we could be useful.


So in a short time we were able to set up the process of cash withdrawal from bank c…

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Help Box in Avrora - a voluntary opportunity to support each other

A "help box" has appeared in our stores. There you can leave basic necessities for those who can't afford to buy them.

If you are willing and able to support others, you can come to …

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List of Avrora stores that are open on a regular basis

The Avrora team understands that every Ukrainian needs support right now. That’s why our company is working hard to provide the citizens of Ukraine with everything they need.

A list of store…

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