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Taking care of Ukrainians – Avrora supports all fronts

Yes, we live in difficult times, but can Ukrainians be broken? After February 24, 2022, we realised that strength is in unity, that each of us is an important brick of the road that leads to Victory!

And Avrora is no exception. We are working! This means that thousands of people have jobs, and the taxes paid replenish the state budget. We keep prices at the lowest level and provide a wide range of goods, especially essentials. We are restoring the work of shops in the de-occupied territories as soon as possible so that people could have access to the most essential things.

We also understand how important even the smallest help is now, so we carry out activities designed to support the population and help the military.

We have recently completed the charity campaign “Cossacks and Avrora”, in which visitors of the chain collected chips and donated for drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During 8 weeks of the campaign, we collected UAH 3.5 million and, doubling this amount from our own funds, sent UAH 7 million to the “Come Back Alive” fund.

And at the end of the year our team did another good deed – purchased and delivered 220 first-class helmets for the military unit.

More to come! We will not stop until we hear the longed-for word “Victory”. So we continue to support our military. Glory to Ukraine!