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5% Cashback on Purchases of Goods Made in Ukraine: Summing up Aurora’s campaign results

Aurora was one of the first to join the practical implementation of the presidential initiative “Made in Ukraine”. After all, the time requires from us to act every day. Immediately and together.

Therefore, in partnership with Abank, Visa and DEEPLOYALTY, we held a campaign for our customers in April and May. A cashback of 5% was accrued for the purchase of goods made in Ukraine when paying with a Visa card from Abank. By the way, we have more than 50% of such goods on our shelves.

Why is it important to buy Ukrainian products now? This is the money earned by our manufacturers and entrepreneurs. They will pay taxes and salaries from it, so the wheels of Ukraine’s economy will keep running. Some profits will be donated to the Ukrainian Defence Forces (and we will certainly do our part!) We will support our defenders by working together.

In general, we have the following results of our activities:

  UAH 23,355,600.60 – the total amount for which the Ukrainian goods were purchased as part of the campaign.

  UAH 1,167,780.03 – the total amount of cashback.

  224,544 – amazing people who supported the campaign and received cashback.

The Aurora team would also like to thank the Abank, Visa, and DEEPLOYALTY teams for their joint work on the project.

It is such great initiatives that promote Ukrainian products, support business and Ukraine’s economy.

And we continue to work for the welfare of Ukrainians: We engage local businesses in partnerships and expand the range of local products. We want to make our customers happy when they are shopping at Aurora stores, and the budgets, from personal to the state, efficiently managed.