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Veterans will be helped to set up a business: Aurora and Diia.Business launch educational grant program

The National Educational Grant Program "Trajectory" has been launched by the Diia.Business Entrepreneur Support Centers in cooperation with the Aurora multimarket chain.

Based on the results of the training and business projects presented, 50 veterans who are new to business will receive UAH 100,000 of financial support to start or improve their own business.

Participants will receive:


    an educational webinar on a business plan development;

    group sessions with a psychologist;

    online lectures from veteran entrepreneurs;

    individual consultations with experts.


Who can participate?


  veterans who have the status of combatant;

  military personnel who took part in activities to ensure national security and defence;

       spouses of military personnel or veterans — registered spouses.


The application deadline is June 16. Details about the project and registration are available here.


Our Company systematically supports initiatives aimed at helping the military and veterans. In 2023, Aurora donated  UAH 124 million to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine:


  It entered the Forbes ranking of 25 Veteran Friendly Companies.

  The Company launched a mentoring program for female and male veterans.

  It conducted training for managers and the team on “How to work with veterans and make this interaction mutually beneficial”.

  The Company supports the reintegration of female and male veterans through sports: it organises competitions and participates in events to support the military.

      It received an award from the Veteran Hub for building a corporate culture in support of veterans.