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Anniversary donation of UAH 5,000,000 — Aurora joins the flash mob of congratulations to the Come Back Alive Foundation

 On May 10, the Come Back Alive Charitable Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. As an expression of gratitude to the Foundation’s team for crucial activities of supporting our forces 24/7, OKKO network launched a flash mob of congratulations supported by donations.

Aurora has been cooperating with the Foundation for many years. Our systemic partnership is a pleasant experience and important results:

  UAH 10 million for vehicles and equipment for EOD specialists as part of the Save the Future Now project.

  UAH 1.5 million from the sale of reflective tapes for the benefit of the Long Arms of the Territorial Defense project.

      UAH 7 million for drones for the Ukrainian Defense Forces is the result of the Cossacks and Aurora project.

“Come back alive” is a mantra repeated in every Ukrainian family today. The Foundation is doing everything to make these words come true, and we highly appreciate our cooperation and its results.

On the occasion of the Organization’s establishment date, we donated UAH 5 million to the Come Back Alive Foundation for administrative expenses. The arrangement and support of the Foundation’s work requires considerable resources.

We thank our friends for their work. We invite everyone to support the Come Back Alive Foundation with a donation. Our strength is in unity!