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Environmentally responsible Aurora employees planted over 4,200 new trees

One hectare more of Scots pine is now growing near Poltava in the Mala Pereshchepyna forestry. This is the area planted with young trees by Aurora’s team. Another team of Aurora employees planted 1,200 pedunculate oaks and Douglas firs near Vinnytsia in the Uladivka forestry.


At the beginning, the forestry officers explained the planting algorithm, how to use the equipment and how to place the seedling in the hole. Then everyone split into pairs and planted a new forest row by row. It is gratifying that the Aurora employees also involved their children in this process, setting the right example from an early age and teaching them to love and care for nature.


After several hours of fruitful work, everyone was treated to a delicious outdoor snack and a traditional treat from the forestry officers – herbal tea from a cauldron.


The next tree planting is planned for autumn. Take care of the forest – it is our future!