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Aurora will donate about UAH 2,000,000 from the sale of Mylanka products to charity

Mylanka is an in-house production of household goods from the charity organisation Volunteering and Help Center, which was set up to ensure a steady flow of funds for humanitarian aid. Every purchase of toilet paper, paper towels and napkins of the above brand in Aurora stores is a donation, as we donate 100% of our earnings to charity.

With the proceeds from the sale of Mylanka products, our Company decided to support one of the main hospitals in Donetsk Region. The Volunteering and Help Center as the largest humanitarian aid center in Ukraine has been cooperating with it for more than two years. Despite the difficult conditions and constant shelling, the hospital keeps on operating: the wounded are promptly delivered here when every minute counts. For the hospital’s needs, Aurora purchased and delivered the necessary medicines worth over UAH 820,000. This is the first part of the planned charitable assistance.

“Aurora’s decision is more than just financial assistance. The Company became Mylanka’s first strategic partner and allowed the project to be implemented at its facilities. Now it has decided to invest its profits in charity. This is a new level of engagement that we did not expect. We are convinced once again that there are many people in Ukraine who, despite fatigue and their own losses due to the war, do not forget that we can survive and win only if we are together,” Andrii Nemyrovskyi, head of the Volunteering and Help Center, said. We support and do our job for Ukraine’s Victory together!