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Avrora donated hygiene kits for defenders

The full-scale war has been going on for 5 months, but the issue of welfare of female defenders still remains open. According to updated data, about 50,000 women are currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including more than 38,000 direct servicewomen, 5,000 who are on the front lines, as well as civilian female workers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

That is why the public movement “Defence of Poltava” together with “Zemliachky. Ukrainian Front” project, which provides female defenders with necessary items, launched “For Her” project. It could be supported both financially and by donating complete hygiene kits for women, which are requested constantly, as basic hygiene products tend to run out.

Avrora also supported this project by packing about a hundred hygiene kits for women and men. Some portion of them was handed over to the Avrora employees, who are now servicing in the Armed Forces, and the rest were donated to the “For Her” project.
The kits included the most necessary stuff:

for men – shower shampoo-gel, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, disposable shaving sticks, shaving gel, wet wipes, socks, coffee, energy snack;

for women – deodorant, soap, shampoo-conditioner, disposable shaving sticks, wet wipes, toothpaste, toothbrush, face cream, hand cream, nail file, tampons and feminine pads, coffee, energy snack.

Such simple and usual things in everyday life are often unavailable at war. Therefore, the duty of providing defenders with them rests not only on the state, but also on volunteer, public organizations and socially responsible businesses. Avrora will continue to pack and deliver hygiene kits for our defenders.