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Avrora has joined for making a center for women victims of violence

Poltava became one of the first cities involved in the project 'Cities and Communities Free from Domestic Violence'. The first Day Care Center for Social and Psychological Assistance with a 24-hour crisis room was opened here for people who have suffered from domestic violence and / or gender-based violence. The creation of such a center in Poltava is an important step in building a full-fledged response to violence.

The day center is a 24-hour accessible place for people who have experienced various forms of violence. It is possible to stay in it for up to 10 days. An individual support plan is drawn up for each client. Here they will be able to find shelter, receive psychological, social and legal assistance from qualified specialists.

The center was set up in a communal building, on the basis of the Charity Organization 'The Light of Hope', with which our company has a partnership agreement and interacts within the framework of social activities. With the assistance of Avrora, the building and interior of the Day Center were renovated.

Why did 'Avrora' join the project?

In 2020, our company signed a Declaration for Gender Equality and the Prevention of Domestic Violence. Most of Avrora's employees and clients are women, and we are aware of the urgency of gender equality and the problem of domestic violence, which mainly affects women. Therefore, we joined the implementation of this important project for the local community to combat gender-based and domestic violence, which is one of the priority goals of sustainable development for the company.